Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cool Craft - Recyclable Noah's Ark

This is a project we've been working at as a family. Maya and her daddy started it and because my husband is very short on free time, I helped Maya finish it.
It is for the kindy and it has to be from recycled materials, ours is from a milk carton and a shoe box. We drew inspiration from here: Milk Carton Noah's Ark.
What I liked about our project it is that it looks like it's done by a five year old kid, with a bit of help. The other arks I saw at the kindy where magnificent works of art, obviously done by the parents.
How do you feel about it? When you kid has to do a project for school, do you work with her/him, encourage them or you simply do the prtoject for them because "I don't have time for this stuff".

And of course, my sweet baby is case showing our work. Love you, princess!